Tuesday, August 25, 2009

CARIS GSF and the Mysterious 2 Extra Bytes

I have been plowing along trying to get my GSF-reader I am coding up in Matlab to work with a variety of different GSF files (diff. versions as well as files from different GSF-generators). This morning I got my code to work with some CARIS-generated GSF files that were giving me a bit of a problem.

GSF records are often packed so that the total record size is an integral multiple of 4, so I wrote a little clean-up statement in all my sub-routines that will automatically read any extra characters needed to pad the particular record.

This one group of CARIS GSF files, however, keep crashing the reader. Within the Bathymetry Ping Record, I kept getting sub-record types of 0, which do not exist. I was at the end of the ping subrecords for the first ping in the file, and I had padded the record to be divisible by 4. The problem was that the total size of the ping record (including all sub-records) was 868 bytes, and even with the padding, I was only reading 864. Where were the extra two bytes coming from?

I ended up opening the GSF file itself and looking at it in Hex mode. This can be done using UltraEdit on Windows (automatically opens binary in Hex format) or by using AquaMacs on the Mac. I used ftell(fid) in Matlab to tell me where in the file I was when the error occurred and then went to that spot in the Hex mode file (in UltraEdit: Search -> GoTo line/Page and type in the number of bytes to move forward. in AquaMacs: C-u #bytes and then hit the right arrow key).

What I saw when I did this was that, sure enough, the record had extra padding. The total number of bytes in the ping sub-records for each ping is 862. To make this divisible by 4, you only have to add 2 bytes (thus my initial reading of 864 bytes). Looking at the binary in Hex mode, however, I was able to see that the record was actually padded with 6 bytes, bring the total up 868. Once I made this correction, the code ran happily and I was able to read the whole GSF file successfully.

I am still not sure what is up with the extra two bytes though, and I am curious to see if this may be the cause of GeoCoder and Fledermaus crashing when trying to read these files. I am going to submit this to CARIS and suggest they take a peak at it themselves. This bug only seems to occur in GSF files exported from CARIS 6.1 (I have tested it with different files). GSF files exported using CARIS 5.4 do not have the extra padding.

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